Sometimes students get more than expected when they come to my home studio. The surprise this week was Lapsang Souchong Tea with a few drops of Copaiba Essential Oil.

What if you drank infused tea that gave back more than you expected? It is exactly what happens in my studio space quite frequently. I serve infused waters, teas or juices as refreshment for students during and after class sessions.

Sometimes it may be a lemon infused water, CBD infused tea, a floral tea or a peppermint infused green tea. When I am celebrating (usually on Saturday classes only), there may be a bottle of Persecco on hand. It all depends on my mood in the preparation for the week.

This week I used Lapsang Souchong Tea, a strong, smoky-flavored tea with a few drops of Copaiba essential oil and let me tell you, the mixed reactions were delightful.

Infused Tea
with Surprise

Copaiba essential oil is produced as a sap from a South American tree and is considered to be one of the most anti-inflammatory substances on earth; provides soothing and relaxing benefits, much like CBD.

These two mixtures were my own concoction. Mixed with a little honey and it is a clear change of pace from plain old water.



“I just drink whatever she gives me; I know it’s always going to be interesting.”

Students reactions were diverse as usual. My favorite response was from two in the early morning Sat class, with eyebrows raised, one asks, “do I want to know what is in this, before I drink?” while her classmate simply smiles while pouring her own cup, “I just drink whatever she gives me; I know it’s always going to be interesting.”

doTerra Copaiba Essential Oil

The distinct smoky-flavored tea was intensified by doTerra’s Essential Oil, Copiaba. Last week I used a drop of Lemongrass essential oil with Lemon infused water and a little Aloe Vera juice. I have also played around with a floral tea blend and a few drops of doTerra’s Slim & Sassy, a peppermint, ginger root, grapefruit metabolic blend.

All were winners. All were creatively infused and enhanced with the quality of the doTerra products I have been exploring and using for both topical and internal uses.

I have added doTerra Deep Blue essential oil to my newest blend of Moisture Drops JMT and two students have enjoyed the application of Deep Blue Rub on their shoulders and lower back while stretching and working with me on the apparatus this week.

I am thankful to Nicole Alvarez, teacher, colleague and friend, for being such a gentle persuader with her graceful introduction of the products.