New for the fall!  Surprise Sunday.  For today was filled with complete and unadulterated gleeful, “only in New York does this work out this way” joy and surprise.  Follow along with the images and I will tell you a story of surprises unfolding, if you are open to simply look.First let me say I believe that the right people come together and find each other at the right time and at the perfect moment.  I don’t push for relationships.  I don’t chase new business.  I like to let things unfold. I think it’s the playful artist that lives inside the soul.  She has always been there for all of us.  We just need to look up and see what is being made available as the surprise gift of the day.

Well going forth on Sundays, I am open to the surprises presented to me.  The intention of each Sunday will only be to get to the city (Westside Chelsea, my favorite part of town) for a 12N Tower class with Juan and the Power Pilates Teacher crew. OMG it is soooo good have a workout the way it should be!  Thank you Mr. Estrada (and again, Ms. MoranMs. Harvey, Ms. Campbell, Ms. Eichenstein and Mr. Leikens – none of us ever stop talking about you or referring to you or our collective memories of something delightfully experienced in a PP session 😉

Smiling at this advertisement (I know the studio owners @Jivamukti Yoga Jersey City)
Cute advertisement for @Jivamukti Yoga Jersey City

On the way to and away from the studio, I am like a kid in a sandbox.  A photographer friend from Fashion Institute of Technology suggested taking a look at the students chalk drawings before they disappeared in the weather.  Who could miss the canvas gallery and I was drawn to color and feminine lines of one in particular.  Interestingly, that color shows up repeatedly throughout the day in the images I saw.

Delighted by color, lines, expression; common threads of simple things like cowboy boots; real or imagined flora and the twists and bends of every angle the body, life, light and love will move us into.

While waiting for the train and admiring the cute advertisement for pretzel-bending Yogis from a friend/colleague @JivamuktiJersey, the last surprise of the day pops out of the train car I was just about to step into it.  My adorable niece and her husband SURPRISED me and solidified that fact that I was doing exactly the right thing for the afternoon.

This was just a day of pure play.  Just any Sunday. #SurpriseSunday