I am a Pilates Teacher. As such, l am proud to serve as a conduit for healing, love of life and movement.  Last week, affirmed that energy and flow between myself, the work of Pilates and the myriad of sisters in my circle.  At the mid-week point, I felt washed over in the power of connections.  By the close of the week, I was glowing.

From top to bottom of the week, powerful women found each other, acknowledged each other and supported each other.  We were all sisters helping sisters.

What if this happened regularly?  What would happen if every week flowed like this powerful week did?


Regina, 62, returns from a long business trip that kept her away from the studio for at least six weeks.  The fervor and joy in her life, showed in her face and her energy and she flowed easily and sweetly through her movements.

I have never taken a picture of her while working out previously, yet her glee and grace demanded it be documented this particular day.  Her family enjoyed it and rallied in support and love of her on Instagram.  Her first post!  It made her famous with her family.

Right before Regina walked into the studio, a Google Review popped in from Yeworkoha, one of my Tuesday morning clients.

"This class has changed my life. With a once a week coaching, I have been able to lift myself from the stress and physical agony I had."


Yeworkoha, 74 year old grandmother and businesswoman, comments on her joy in the healing of her body and touched me almost to tears as she spoke of the peace she has found not only in the hour of exercise but in the friendship and relationship that has evolved between us in the process.  She loves the laughter she has while we work.


Wednesday morning I met with Vennie, 47, mother and entrepreneur, a former student  that I haven’t heard from in more than eight years!  She sent an email the day prior with an urgent request to get back in the studio as she threw her back out.  A standing client had previously cancelled a morning slot giving us the chance to re-connect and get Vennie back to movement.


Priceless hours of laughter, memories, more laughter and love with my mother’s 74 yr sister and her daughters; my favorite cousins.  This was my soul healing time.


The week was a buildup to the meetup of five of my #PilatesSisters to workout and solidify our community preceding the third annual #BlackGirlPilates meet and workshop.

Both events were so powerful in and of themselves that frankly, I am left feeling that only a separate post will justify what emerged from the day.


I will come back to this in a deeper way




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Empowered Women Empower Women


My attitude is that when friends and clients blend into the feeling of family, I know I am doing the right thing with my life.  Attending the 50th birthday celebration of Sosina, the daughter to Yeworkoha, literally brought the week full circle.

Empowered Women Empower Women

“Be the girl who roots for the other girl, tells a stranger that her outfit looks amazing, and encourages other women to believe in themselves”

A powerful week indeed with Pilates, the full expression of joy, sister support and female energy.