This wild thought came to me on Sept 23 2018. A day which marked 100 days till the end of the year. It’s the Equinox, #LibraSeason and the final quarter of the year.ย  Given the number of losses in the preceding 265 days (for which I do not have a count, yet it seems violence and chaos have been far too prevalent and newsworthy), I ask the question, “If I won’t be here in 2019, and today marks the first day of the Last 100 I have to share” what would be different? What would be the best way to use the time?

I write this not with the intent of being morbid, but with the desire to bring attention to the fact.ย  It’s knowing on a gut level that nothing lasts forever, and the process of letting go of the old S$#! before you let the new in.

So the question again, if you knew you would not be here in 2019, and this day marked the first day of the last 100 you have to share, what would be different?

๐Ÿ“ How would you give your best to yourself?
๐Ÿ“ Love your best with one who deserves you?
๐Ÿ“ Love the best with one you know deserves it?

What would you do to be your best with:

๐Ÿ“ one you are grateful for
๐Ÿ“ one you are thankful to
๐Ÿ“ one you will miss the most

I wondered what would I do differently? What words would I use? What insights would I choose to give?ย  How differently would I approach each of the successive days going forward? How would I change the way I plan to put my mark on the time?

I spent the last week walking through museum art exhibits of works, thoughts and expressions created more than 40+ years ago (check here, here and here) and on some level I had the experience ofย  being caught in the beauty yes, yet at the same time, feeling like a hamster in a spinning wheel still living with the same events, even though a “new dawn and a new day” has passed a myriad times over.

Do something different

Last 100 days.ย  What could change


With only 100 days left to the year, this is a time of release opportunity to get rid of the old thing, the old ways, and the old habits.ย  It’s a good time to take stock of what we are doing and how we doing it to ourselves and to each other.

What the heck does this have to do with Pilates?ย  Not a damn thing, really.ย  Except that as a result ofย  exercise, my mind and body are open, free and fluid.ย  Sometimes this results in a rush of thoughts, ideas and musings.
