It has been too long since my last post. Void of the complicated observations and analysis-paralysis about how I got to crafting this particular post, for I could throw a whole lot of a) Full Pisces Moon self -love into the equation, or b) sync it with a challenge focus for full-body movement and the last quarter of the year or some other c) ethereal explanation that would allow for some cute hashtags about Pilates and movement. All of that would be void of the truth. What is true, is that I really like the feeling and stretch of these movements and I like the structure, art and flow of the imagery of these front, back and side line movements.

I selected the images for social media posting, crafted the copy and went for a bike ride at 8:30am this morning. While on the ride, I thought about why these four movements were favorites. Why they “feel so good, I want to be able to do it for the rest of my life.” Why?

Thigh Stretch (Click to expand)

I rode for an hour along the Hudson River, as is my habit for my regular cardio and mental meditation. I stopped for breakfast and made these notes before the ride back.

Thigh stretch – The Front Line

While it is called #ThighStretch and does facilitate a great stretch of the quads, it is my favorite for complete opening of the #FrontLine of the body; inclusive of the anterior pelvis, torso and chest. A heart opener and resisted backbend; it is just delicious.

Tendon stretch – The Back Line

There are many other movements we use to work the posterior chain and #BackLine of the body, e.g., footwork, pelvic lift, bridging, elephant, but #TendonStretch is the ultimate movement for me; whether on the Wunda or Reformer, as shown here.

Tendon Stretch | Side Kick (Click to expand)

The achilles, calves, hamstrings and glutes are fully engaged and active throughout the movement. The front, side and back kicks are just extra exhilarating. They cannot be executed with practiced control, intention and stamina. While the glutes are used to execute the movement its the free rotation of the femur in the pelvic socket that we want to retain/maintain.

Back Rowing – Shoulders

Maintaining freedom of rotation in the “ball and socket” joint of the arm/shoulder is why I love the rowing series. Having lost freedom and mobility of one shoulder due to a bicycle accident a few years ago has intensified my love and appreciation of this movement in my aging body.

Back Rowing (Click to expand)

Pull straps, arm circles and Front and Back Rowing are fundamental exercises to build and maintaining shoulder, lats and serratus healthy movement, rotation, mobility and freedom.  I knew my body was back in my control when this movement became once again a joyous one.


Snake and Twist – Side Line to Total Body

This one! It is my personal chiropractic adjustment. A total core-centered, full control, balance and precision movement. I see it as a “side-line plank, upside- down teaser on wheels.” The ultimate Pilates movement.

Snake & Twist (Click to expand)

You cannot fake the funk to control the carriage return on #Snake and the #Twist just intensifies that effort. On the high bar, it’s just complete badassery. I reserve the release of one hand to stop, balance and open the twist for those days I am feeling at 100% of my game, for honestly, there are times when this is not always the case.


This is, of course, truth for all practice, work and movement with the Pilates apparatus. Listen to your body, always engage and work from your center line out to the extremities. Pilates is a total body movement program and these four particular movements accentuate our controlled movement through the lines of the body.


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