Julie and Sindy, are a terrific twosome working together as partners in Pilates.  They have been doing so for exactly twenty sessions.  Just enough time to realize the the value, worth and wonder of the Pilates method and become completely hooked to go another round.  We all know the Pilates adage, “In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a different body”.

There is a lot I could say about the two of them, but most of the story is told with that three-letter word:


  • Two moms
  • Two Children (each)
  • Two toddlers
  • Two days a week

And literally in twenty sessions they have become a transformed, terrific two-some.

Don’t think for a moment that the work and synchronicity you see in the video below was not without struggle, sweat and frustration.  They will be the first to admit they want more from themselves and are still “working on the work” of form, precision and core engagement.  But there is no question, this terrific twosome are an inspiration for others that want to move and flow and learn that you can use Pilates to re-knit, re-gain and re-form your body.