Last week I posted a snippet of a few heart opening stretches using the Spine Corrector that I was surprised (yet delighted) to see gathered so many views on my Facebook Page. Given the love for the stretches I felt the need and importance to show a fuller, core-centered workout that preceded the delicious stretch itself.

The Spine Corrector does exactly what its name implies.  Facilitates support of the spine to allow open, fluid movement and articulation through each vertebrae through Pilates movements.  In all honesty, it was never my first choice tool of the studio for a rigorous workout, however it is an excellent piece of equipment for a delicious “dessert” ending.

I particularly enjoy using the ankle weights with the support of the spine corrector for any movement.  Hugging the abdominals to the spine and the spine to the barrel gives one a deepened powerhouse connection.  Movement away from the Spine Corrector, as in any back bending movement, should be done with conscious and deliberate intention.

[Click for a full image display]

“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.”
Joseph Pilates

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