Just got off my bike in this cooler September air and wanted warmth with a little kick for my throat.  Many of my studio clients are coughing, sneezing and seem to be suffering terribly with allergies already.  I am not sure if my immune system is super-fortified because of all the fresh juices I have been drinking all year, but fortunately (at least at the moment) I am clear and open yet still wanted a nice warm cup of tea.   Fortunately, I used the following recipe a week ago and created my own Lemon-Ginger-Lime Throat Soother tea.

No doubt, the image caught my eye.  Clean, fresh and delicious looking.  It’s something I generally do after the onset of a cold, as a natural remedy, so the conscious preparation beforehand made logical sense to me.

The images/recipe simply called for lemon, but I added several slices of lime to my batch and honestly used far less honey than depicted here (my tooth is not that sweet).

Also, instead of green-tea infused water this week, (likely because I had all these extra lemons laying around) I have been drinking lemon-ginger infused water for the last three days, so essentially I am a) balancing, b) clearing, c) detoxing, d) hydrating and e) cleansing all on the basis of this one image that inspired me.

Lemons are a great immune system fortifier. Vitamin C of lemon-juice is very effective because it is combined with bioflavonoids (vitamin P). In addition to Vitamin C, lemon also contains niacin and thiamine in small amounts, and lemon juice has more potassium than apples or grapes and is key to helping the body absorb and metabolize calcium.

I added the lime for the extra color and taste, but the benefits are also vitamin C and flavonoids – great for digestion, antioxidants & detoxifiers of the body.

Enough said.

Get a couple of jars.  Get some lemons, limes and ginger.

Soothe yourself.